A 501C-3 Non Profit Public Benefit Corp.
WTARI Mission Statement
It is the mission of WTARI – Wildfire Tactics and Atmospheric Research Institute – to educate on wildland firefighting. We meet with students, community leaders, politicians, and firefighting agencies to insure our country has the capability to provide the most advanced aviation, ground firefighting, and rescue services nationwide. During natural and other disasters these services must be provided with military precision and immediate response to reduce the loss of life, protect our forests, urban interface, infrastructure and reduce human suffering.
Our mission is to bring the domain of fire ecologists, wildland fire fighting, and forest management services together to ensure the preservation and enhancement of our environment.
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Many of the firefighting air tankers in our fleet are too old to be flying, which puts crewmen at risk.
BE-200 Firefighting Aerial Tanker
The largest water-scooping airtanker in the world is certified worldwide, yet has never fought fires in North America.
In today's political landscape, there
exists a relationship between wildfires and terrorism.
You Can Help Support Wildland Firefighting
Lake Tahoe Firefighting
Your donation to Wildfire Tactics & Atmospheric Research Institute will forward our goals to purchase a large type 1 helicopter for Lake Tahoe, and bring the BE-200 air Tanker to the United States.
Lake Tahoe, California needs aerial fire protection to stay in the Lake Tahoe area! In past fire seasons
air tankers stationed in Tahoe travel many miles, & hours, out of the area fighting fires in other parts of California, Oregon, & Nevada.
First Responding firefighters to wildland fire is imperative for early control. The Sikorsky S61T is capable of carrying up to one thousand gallons of water or fire retardant. Help save lives, forests, and homes from wildland fires.
We are seeking to raise 3 million dollars. Your generous, tax-deductible donation will be applied toward the purchase of a large firefighting helicopter, which will be used for training, research, and of course, fighting fires.
Climate Change & Wildland Firefighting
Fire experts, meteorologists, fire ecologists, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of the Interior all agree that our planet is in a state of climate change that is producing drought and record-breaking temperatures.
During the last decade these changes are more severe than any in recorded history. The result of these conditions are wildland fires greater in number, higher intensity, with greater flame lengths, and more acreage destroyed than we have ever seen in our lifetimes. These conditions are producing mega fires which are over one hundred thousand acres.
Predictions are that these changes will continue during the next twenty years or more.
Learn more HERE.